リージェンシー クラブラウンジの朝食がリニューアルします!






 2024年10月1日(火)より、クラブフロアにお泊りいただきますお客様がより充実したホテルステイをお愉しみいただけますよう、リージェンシー クラブラウンジの朝食をリニューアルいたします。








Dear Our hotel guests,


We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued patronage.

As of October 1st, 2024, our Regency Club Lounge begins with new breakfast features, so that our Club Floor guests can enjoy a more fulfilling stay at our hotel.


A salad featuring an abundance of seasonal vegetables is served along with the hotel’s popular “nikin” original bread, croissants, tortillas, etc. Customize your own sandwiches and other items to your liking. Please enjoy them with yogurt and fruit.
In response to the many requests from rice lovers, we have also prepared white rice and a wide variety of rice accompaniments and dashi (Japanese soup stock) so that you can enjoy your own original rice bowl or chazuke (rice with tea and other ingredients).


Have a great start to your day with a special continental breakfast available only to guests of the Regency Club Lounge.


General Manager